The Cycle…
The heartbeat of KTC cycling is the Sunday morning spin. Leaving Duggan Bridge at 8.30, this is a medium to fast paced group spin covering 50-100k. The weekly route and short cut option are advertised via cycling WhatsApp group. The spin is usually followed by post spin analysis, chat and coffee back in Kinsale. Helmet, spare tube and pump mandatory.
Bike shed to 50k – Usually starting in April on Wednesday evenings for 5 weeks. These sessions aim to get people back out on the bike after a winter (or longer) off, and offer an opportunity for less confident cyclists to train with experienced club members while building up to a 50k spin out to Courtmacsherry and back (with ample time for a coffee and brunch stop) at the end of the 5 weeks.
Training schedules may vary, updates will be posted on members WhatsApp group or on Facebook and Instagram.